“A Gay” in Every Play ?

3 thoughts on ““A Gay” in Every Play ?”

  1. We’re becoming a unisex society. Eventually we won’t be able to tell each other apart. We will all shop in the same departments, wear the same clothes and piss in the same toilet.

  2. Ha. I don’t think people in masse will ever submit to such blending and homogeneity. I think the point is that every person is unique, and stereotypes, like their cousin the cliche, try to reduce everything to a simplistic one line zinger or image… so to write/stage plays that include gay characters, but only depict materialistic, sex-obsessed punny gay men or butch landscaping lesbians is to perpetuate a problem, not to promote acceptance and cultivate diversity.

  3. I agree. Stereotypes are made to control and identify certain groups… that is where the problem lies. Some can’t accept, and are intimidated by another’s individuality. We are not alike and we should thank God for that.

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